S4RiS Standings Dancing

Service for "unfreezing" final standings of ACM ICPC competitions

Project maintained by OStrekalovsky

Demos of S4RiS Stand 1.9.1

JSON log format


   "contestName": <Contest caption>,
   "problemLetters": <Array of strings of problem names>,
   "contestants": <Array of strings of contestant's names>,
   "freezeTimeMinutesFromStart": <Freeze time of contest standings>,
         "contestant":<Contestant name>,
         "problemLetter":<Name of problem>,
         "timeMinutesFromStart":<Minute of submission>,
         "success":<Solution was accepted or not>



   "contestName": "Interuniversity programming contest",
   "problemLetters": ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H"],
        "Strekalovsky Oleg. Vologda SPU", 
        "Fyodor Menshikov. Vologda SPU",
   "freezeTimeMinutesFromStart": 1,
         "contestant":"Strekalovsky Oleg. Vologda SPU",
         "contestant":"Fyodor Menshikov. Vologda SPU",

More info